Green Party on Legalizing Cannabis in Canada
The topic of legalizing cannabis in Canada has sparked much debate in recent years. The uncertainty and controversy about this topic can be attributed to inconclusive evidence of its negative effects and its widespread use, despite the current Canadian laws regarding possession and distribution. Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government has made a promise to legalize and regulate cannabis by 2018, which begs the question, “does the Green Party want to legalize weed?”

Does the Green Party Want To Legalize Weed?
In short, yes. For years, the Green Party has not only been an advocate of the decriminalization of cannabis in Canada, but the outright legalization and taxation of it.
The main arguments the Green Party have brought forth regarding the legalization of cannabis in Canada are:
- The current cannabis laws have “utterly failed and have not led to a reduction in drug use in Canada”
- The money used in law enforcement to “combat marijuana” is unreasonable
- The costs on society outweigh the benefits of keeping the current laws in place
- Criminal records being handed out for cannabis related infractions damage our youth’s future
The latter point appears to be especially true when considering the cost on youth; a criminal record as a result of marijuana use or possession can negatively weigh in on the individual’s future. Moreover, the prohibition on marijuana has not decreased its widespread use and the negativity towards the plant is unfounded.