How Long Does A Weed High Last?
How long a weed high lasts depends on many factors, including your tolerance, your dose, the potency of your weed, and the way in which you consume your weed.
First-time weed users will likely have a much lower tolerance than habitual smokers. The same amount of weed might get a novice smoker high for three or four hours, but only last thirty minutes for a habitual smoker.
Smoking or eating more marijuana will result in a longer high. Beginners should pace themselves by waiting a few minutes between hits. Extra caution should be taken with edibles, as a single edible (a cookie for example) might contain several doses of weed.
The potency of your weed can also affect the duration of your high. Cannabis strains with higher levels of THC have been known to produce a high that lasts longer.
The way you consume your weed — by smoking it or eating it in an edible — is the most important factor in how long your high will last. Smoking marijuana produces an effect that starts more quickly and doesn’t last as long. This is because the THC and other cannabinoids can quickly reach your bloodstream from your lungs. Smoking weed produces a high almost immediately, and it usually lasts about two or three hours.
Edibles, on the other hand, take longer to act and last much longer. It might take from one to two hours after eating an edible to feel high, and the high usually lasts from four to six hours. Edibles take longer to cause a high than smoking does because edibles need to be processed by the liver before they affect the brain.
Keep in mind that all of these factors influence how long your high will last. It’s difficult to predict the length of a high based on only one or two factors. Take caution if you are new to the effects of weed, and be sure to leave ample time to let your high dissipate before you need to drive.
If you find that your high is lasting too long, there is little that you can do to get rid of it more quickly. However, here are a few things you can try to keep yourself comfortable while you wait:
- Go outside to get some fresh air.
- Drink some water.
- Have a snack.
- Take a nap.
It is worth noting that THC stays in your system for a long time after its effects wear off. The chemical is stored in your fat cells and can take days or weeks to leave your body, depending on your frequency of use and the dosage of marijuana you intake. According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, that’s why drug tests can come back positive even if you haven’t used marijuana recently.
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