Cannascribe Gravenhurst
Cannascribe Gravenhurst is one of Canada’s leading marijuana prescription services; to date, they have helped thousands gain legal access to compassionate marijuana treatment. They specialize in marijuana consulting and assist patients in understanding the ACMPR guidelines so that they can obtain medical cannabis safely and legally. They have formed partnerships with over a dozen Licensed Producers in Canada to offer their patients a diverse range of options to match their unique needs. Cannascribe also has a “Self-Grow Program”, where eligible patients can receive advice about how to cultivate their own medical cannabis.
If you suffer from a chronic condition and traditional medicine has been ineffective at managing your symptoms, visit the Cannascribe website to register:
Step 1: Download, complete, and submit the Registration Form
Step 2: Download, complete, and submit the Assessment Form
Step 3: Download, complete, and submit the Waiver/Release
Step 4: Submit your supporting medical documents (e.g., consult notes, imaging, etc.)