Cannabinoid Medical Clinic Hamilton
Cannabinoid Medical Clinic was the first clinic of its kind in Ontario and, as such, they continually strive to be the leaders in medical cannabis treatment. Their mission is to establish excellence in patient care, educate the community about the potential benefits of medical cannabis, and conduct clinical research to advance knowledge in the field.
If you think cannabis treatment is right for you, start by speaking to your doctor or specialist. Cannabinoid Medical Clinic Hamilton is accepting new patients by physician referral only. Once they have received your referral, they will schedule an appointment. A physician will perform an examination to determine if medical cannabis is appropriate. If deemed appropriate, the doctor will write a prescription for cannabinoids. Finally, you will meet with a cannabinoid educator to help you navigate ACMPR regulations. Your prescription will be maintained through regular follow up appointments at CMClinic Hamilton.
Cannabis consulting at CMClinic Hamilton is completely covered by provincial health care.